Saturday, 7 December 2013

How to create a Counter Strike 1.6 Server

To create cs1.6 server the minimum requirements are :

1.Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7,
2.Processor: 1 Gigahertz(1000 mhz), memory: 256 ram ,
3.Internet connection(min 256kbps) , 300-500MB Hard disk space

Follow the steps below:-(I am using Windows 7)

  1. Download CS 1.6 Server Creator.exe and unzip it anywhere in any drive you want.

    it will look like this :

  2. Now create a new folder anywhere to your PC and name it HLDS.(better if you create it in C drive)
  3. Run CS 1.6 Server Creator.exe  and where it says browse  give the path of HLDS folder.

4.Click Next then install, after that you will see a black window like this:

  • Note: You have to wait until the download completes.It will take some time so patience is must..:)

  • 5.After that HLDS folder will look like this:


    Its done now, but you have to do some more settings for better outcome!!

    7.Now go to HLDS\cstrike\server.cfg  (These are the general Server settings)

    open server.cfg with word-pad or notepad,delete everything and paste this code there:

    Here you have to add your server name,password and other useful cvars after that save it and exit.

    8. Now you have to set the server up for accepting non steam clients . Download Dproto (Dual protocol method (47+48)) ,execute Dproto 1.7.9.exe and give the path of your HLDS folder at the time of Browse. 

    9. Now copy the line give below ,go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini and paste it there.:

    10. Now go to HLDS\cstrike\liblist.gam,open it with Notepad or Wordpad and Paste the following line there:

    11.  all set , now you have do one more thing to start your server .Go to hlds.exe in HLDS and make a shortcut of it in desktop or anywhere except the HLDS folder.

    12. Now go to the properties of the shortcut of hlds.exe and add the following line in text box of Target:

    " -console -game cstrike -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 1048576 +maxplayers 32 +map de_dust2 +port  27015

    Here you can edit the values of heapsize(check the note below),maxplayers(slots-12,16,24,32),map(maps) and port(better if you chose 27015 port)

    NOTE: heapsize value depends on your total Physical RAM available for
    => 128MB of RAM- 16384
    => 256MB of RAM- 65536
    => 512MB of RAM- 262144
    => 1GB of RAM- 524288
    => 2GB of RAM- 1048576
    => 3GB of RAM- 1572864
    => 4GB of RAM- 2097152

    13. Now you are actually done, to start your server, just double click on shortcut of hlds.exe and you will see a black window like this :-

    This window is your server console and you can manage your server by here also.

    HAVE FUN!!

    How to become admin for your server(with amx)!!

    Hi, again
    This post is about how to become the  Admin  to your own server.The admin's job is very important and interesting too. An admin can do everything which other players can't like kick,ban,slay,slap etc.
    So, let's start it!!

    Follow the steps below:- (I hope you already have a ready-made server or you did as per previous post)

    1.Go to C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs then open users.ini with word pad or notepad.

    2. The users.ini will look like :

    • At the bottom of this file you will see lines like this:

    I.   ; "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
    II.  ; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
    III.  ; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
    IV.   “loopback” “” “abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"

    The lines starting with ";" (semi-colon) are the comment lines.

    The I,II and III lines are the three ways to become admin on the server,  you can be an admin either by Steam, by I.P or by Name .
    If you want to become admin by steam or by ip address then you should have a Steam ID or a static ip address respectively.
    And if  you choose the third way i.e by name then you have to set a password with that particular name for security purpose
    The "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" are the  Access flags or Access levels for the admins , above examples shows the full access of admins . 
    The "ce","de","a"  are the Account flags.  

    Access flags or Access levels:
    ; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slapped and affected by other commands)
    ; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
    ; c - amx_kick command
    ; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
    ; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
    ; f - amx_map command
    ; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
    ; h - amx_cfg command
    ; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
    ; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
    ; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
    ; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
    ; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
    ; n - custom level B
    ; o - custom level C
    ; p - custom level D
    ; q - custom level E
    ; r - custom level F
    ; s - custom level G
    ; t - custom level H
    ; u - menu access
    ; z - user (no admin)

     Account flags:
    ; a - disconnect player on invalid password
    ; b - clan tag
    ; c - this is steamid/wonid
    ; d - this is ip
    ; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
    ; k - name or tag is case sensitive.  eg: if you set it so the name "Ham"
    ;     is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody
    ;     can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham"

    If you want to become an admin by Name  then replace the IV or last line of users.ini  with III line i.e  ; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a" . Now edit this line ,remove the semi-colon i.e ";" and replace My Name and  my_password  with your  Name  and Password  then save and close it.

    3. To login with this password you have to write the following command in the console of your game:

     setinfo _pw "your password" 

    • Now you are all done.

    • Let me show you an example that what you have to do:

    I am choosing my name as Rock and password as Metal,so i need to edit the last line of users.ini as this:   

    "Rock" "Metal" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"

    • Now i am gonna open the game and will  login with these information and command: 

    • Now i am the admin of the server , to check so, i need to write any of the admin command in the game console(you can open it by pressing the Tilde Key) .

    • Here i type the command "amxmodmenu" and got this :

    • So,its confirmed that everything is working properly.


    • You can check all the commands related to admin by typing "amx_help" in the console while you are online on your server.

    Have Fun!!

    Monday, 2 December 2013

    How to become a Rcon!!

    Hii ,

    So, this post is about how to be a Rcon of  server . Rcon stands for Remote Control and like an Admin a Rcon can also manage the server  and change the other useful variables .

    Now lets start with how to setup a Rcon password and login to the server with  that password.

    Follow the steps:-

    1.First off all you have to setup the password, to do so:-

    Go to C:\HLDS\cstrike  and open Server.cfg  with word-pad or notepad, 

    2. Now look for the line rcon_password "password"  .  If you have already set the password according to my first post then leave it and move ahead , if not the replace the word password in double codes with your satisfied password .

     You are now ready to login to the server.

    3.After setup the password just start your server or restart it if it is running already,open console and type 

    rcon_password <your password>

    4. To check whether you are rcon or not just type one of the command given below.

    Done!! , Now you are the Rcon of your server . Enjoy!!


    Use the following commands to manage the server :

    sv_password         Set server password. Leave blank to disable.
    mp_friendlyfire <0/1> Turn on/off friendlyfire. Default: off
    mp_footsteps <0/1> Turn on/off footsteps. Default: on
    mp_autoteambalance <0/1>Force clients to auto-join the opposite team if they are not balanced. Default: on
    mp_autokick <0/1> Kick idle/team-killing players. Default: off
    mp_flashlight <0/1> Turn on/off the ability for clients to use flashlight. Default: off
    mp_tkpunish <0/1> Punish TK'ers on next round? Default: on
    mp_forcecamera <0/1> Force dead players to first person mode, effectively disabling freelook. Default: off
    sv_alltalk <0/1> Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. Default: off
    sv_pausable <0/1> Can the server be paused Default: 0
    sv_consistency <0/1> Force cleints to pass consistency check for critical files before joining server? Default: 0
    sv_cheats <0/1>  Allow cheats on server. Default: 0
    sv_gravity <0/1> World Gravity Default: 800
    sv_maxvelocity    Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis. Default: 3500
    sv_unlag <0/1>   Enables player lag compensation. Default: 1
    sv_voicecodec    Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.. Default: vaudio_miles
    sv_allowupload <0/1> Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server. Default: 1
    sv_allowdownload <0/1> Allow clients to downnload files. Default: 1
    sv_maxspeed      Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320
    mp_limitteams <0-20> Max # of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2
    mp_hostagepenalty <##> How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked, 0 to disable. Default: 5
    sv_voiceenable <0/1> Allow clients to use mic. Default: 1
    mp_allowspectators <0/1>Allow spectators on the server. Default: 1
    mp_chattime <0-120> amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over. Lower value = faster map load change. Default: 10
    sv_timeout <##>  After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. Default: 65

    Have fun!!

    Sunday, 1 December 2013

    How to make your server Lag free!!


    To attract the bulk of players a server should be lag free. It might be possible that the server you have created has some lag which you cant feel because the server runs on your machine. But the other players who are connecting to your server might be feel so.  Here i am showing , how to make your server lag free.

    lets go...

    First of all to make a good 10 - 12 slot server, 512 Kbps is recommended upload speed.

    Even if you have 256 kbps upload speed, you can manage to create 8 slot lag free server. (if you increase the slots to 10, the players will be seen framing to manage the lag, server will send less updates per second)

    Step 1(This is the last step of first post)

    Create a shortcut of hlds.exe and add to the target field 
    -console -game cstrike -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 262144 +maxplayers 12 +map de_nuke +port  27016
    Click apply and OK.

    heapsize value depends on your total Physical RAM available for

    => 128MB of RAM- 16384
    => 256MB of RAM- 65536
    => 512MB of RAM- 262144
    => 1GB of RAM- 524288
    => 2GB of RAM- 1048576
    => 3GB of RAM- 1572864
    => 4GB of RAM- 2097152

    Step 2

    In Server.cfg add these lines (must have)

    sv_logbans 0
    sv_logecho 0
    sv_logfile 0
    sv_log_onefile 0
    mp_logmessages 0
    mp_logdetail 0
    sv_unlag 1
    sv_maxunlag .1
    fps_max 600

    now add the following lines according to your upload speed 

    For upload speed of 256 kbps
    rate 12000
    sv_rate 12000
    sv_cmdrate 50
    sv_cmdbackup 4
    sv_updaterate 40
    sv_resend 3
    mp_dlmax 256
    mp_decals 100

    For upload speed of 512 kbps
    rate 15000
    sv_rate 15000
    sv_cmdrate 80
    sv_cmdbackup 4
    mp_updaterate 45
    sv_resend 3
    mp_dlmax 400
    mp_decals 100

    For upload speed of 1mbps
    rate 20000
    sv_rate 20000
    sv_cmdrate 80
    sv_cmdbackup 6
    mp_updaterate 80
    sv_resend 6
    mp_dlmax 800
    mp_decals 300

    For upload speed of 2 mbps
    rate 25000
    sv_rate 25000
    sv_cmdrate 101
    sv_cmdbackup 6
    sv_updaterate 101
    sv_resend 6

    Step 3

    Now add sv_maxrate, sv_minrate, sv_maxupdaterate, sv_minupdaterate commands.
    These 4 are the most essential commands for running counter strike 1.6 server with as low lag as possible (can be also absolutely lagless), but these 4 commands depends on 2 factors, firstly, your upload speed, and the second one is the number of slots you want to make a server.

    Well, there is a good formula for this, but I enter these values by guessing only. The calculations may lead to very laggy server also (if you have less bandwidths)

    sv_minrate - This should be kept 0 always.
    sv_minrate 0

    sv_maxrate - For 256 kbps and 10 slots, sv_maxrate 3100 is a good option.
    but as a general rule 
    sv_maxrate = bandwidth X 128 / server size
    so for 256 kbps, and 10 slot, sv_maxrate = 256 * 128 / 10 = 3277. so a good guess! :)

    some settings for sv_maxrate on 10 - 12 slots server//for 256 kbps//
    sv_maxrate 3000

    //for 512 kbps//
    sv_maxrate 7000

    //for 1 mbps//
    sv_maxrate 12000

    //for 2 mbps//
    sv_maxrate 25000

    sv_maxupdaterate - It is the maximum number of updates of server's models(players, guns, c4, etc.) positions per second that server sends to the client. If its less than 12, then the players, guns etc. will be seen framing. genrally, sv_maxupdaterate 13-16 is good for 256 kbps, and 16-30 for 512 kbps is manageable, but it also depends on the number of players.

    As a general rule
    sv_maxupdaterate = sv_maxrate / 300

    but this gives very less result, so as a general rule of thumb, 

    for 256 kbps
    sv_maxupdaterate value should be 13, 14, 15 or 16, you can also try upto 20 (it wont lag!!) ... for 10 slot
    as the slots you increase you have to decrease the sv_maxupdaterate value.

    sv_minupdaterate should be less than sv_maxupdaterate , generally, for 256 kbps 10 slots, it is set to 12 or 13.

    On LAN
    sv_minrate 0
    sv_maxrate 0
    sv_minupdaterate 60
    sv_maxupdaterate 101
    should be set before creating server.

    Step 4

    No other bandwidth rate settings must reside in cfg's other than server.cfg

    Step 5

    Make the priority of hlds.exe high or realtime.

    Step 6

    1) Click Start, Select "Run"

    2) Type "Gpedit.msc"
    3) Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch
    4) Expand the "Administrative Templates" branch
    5) Expand the "Network" Branch
    6) Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in the left window
    7) In the right window, double click the "limit reservable bandwidth" setting
    8) On the settings tab, check the "enabled" item
    9) Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0

    Step 7

    Close unnecessary bandwidth and CPU hogging processes.

    Step 8

    Download and install hlbooster metamod plugin (you should have metamod installed to make this plugin work).

    Step 9

    Keep amx and other plugins off.

    Step 10

    Turn off windows automatic updates.

    Step 11

    Turn off Antivirus auto updates, update them at a scheduled time (automatically).

    Have Fun!!